Has Justin Bieber Ever Had Braces?

Justin Bieber, burst onto the scene as a bona fide teenage heartthrob at just 12 years old. Much of his appeal lies in is his good looks and no doubt, his charming smile. 

Just Bieber wore braces to perfect his smile when he was 15 years old. He opted for the more discreet version of the corrective treatment by wearing the Invisalign brand of the appliances. 

According to Justin, he wore braces in order to straighten his teeth. Apparently, he had an issue with crowding

Crowding Issue

Justin Bieber has been famous since he was 14 years old. This means that he grew up in the public eye, right around the time that he would have been going through puberty.

Just at the time when his popularity was increasing in the US, Justin realized that his crowding issue with his teeth impacted his sound, as his tongue had less space to move around. 

Unobtrusive Correction

As a teen sensation and idol of many swooning fans, the last thing a teenager like Justin Bieber would have wanted is more attention being placed on his teeth than his talent.

The Invisalign appliances seemed a logical choice for someone who was now being photographed at every turn and who was now living a public life.  

The accessories were custom made for Justin – as they are for each patient – and he was able to correct his issue over time. He wore them on both hit top and bottom teeth.

Justin Bieber mentioned in an episode of his “Justin Bieber Show” on Ustream that the Invisalign braces hurt and that they somewhat impeded his speech. 

The clear plastic aligners are removable and can be adjusted according to the corrections which need to be made.

This offers a more inconspicuous way of treatment in the quest for an impeccable smile. Without deliberately calling attention to it, one can 

The Canadian-born pop sensation wore the appliances in 2009.

Adult Heartthrob

As an adult, Justin Bieber is able to show off his gorgeous smile and straight seemingly perfect white teeth. This is of course one of his most visible attributes and contributes to his good looks.

During his time wearing Invisalign as a teenager, he was still able to take smiling pictures, walk the red carpet with confidence, and engage more intimately with fans without the distraction of traditional braces. 

Justin Bieber gradually perfected his smile, over time allowing subtle changes without the attention-grabbing, bulky metal silver alternative.

Teeth Obsession

Justin Bieber seems to be always making some improvement or other to his teeth/smile. 

He posted a social media update to his fans in 2017 indicating that he had chipped his tooth. The Instagram post garnered more than 2 million likes after Justin posted 24 pictures within an hour of the mishap.

Today, there is no evidence of this as the fault has been perfected corrected by his dentist. The procedure was streamed in its entirety by Justin Bieber.

In 2019, the pop sensation showed off his new grill to his almost 140 million Instagram followers. It seemed to be a bejeweled set of overlaying teeth in a light lavender hue that is fitted to his bottom teeth.
