Adele: Anyone is in a bigger body, that body is politicised by other people


Adele’s still doing so much press for her 30 album release. I do not remember her doing this much when she released 25! I think it’s partly because she lives in America now and she’s more comfortable navigating PR and the media, plus (as she told Vogue) she was ready to have a proper comeback and be a “star” again. She’s older, she appreciates it more, and she enjoys her success. Adele covers the latest issue of The Face, and you can read the full interview here. She talks a lot about producers and what it was like completing the album during the pandemic. She also talks about her weight loss, and those are the quotes getting a lot of play. Adele lost more than 100 lbs over the course of, like, three years. Some highlights:

The industry has changed so much: “I think what’s happened is [since] I got signed, up until my last album came out [in 2015], the way the industry is has completely changed. There was still a record industry. There were still record companies, there were still A&Rs when I last released an album. What I do, and what I was doing, it was encouraged. There was a safety around it. I think, now, there’s, like, 300,000 songs released a week! Everyone’s worried that time’s going to run out. Their team is encouraging them to do everything now, now, now, just to make a mark. I’ve never been told to do that by anyone, I certainly wouldn’t do it if I was told to. That’s just not the way that artists I like move. I do feel incredibly lucky that I’ve only ever had a good experience in the music industry. I know that’s rare, especially for women.

The Instagram she posted where she wore Bantu knots: “There was so much going on in America at that point. I didn’t read the room and I f–king should have because I live in America. But my [Black] girlfriends here, they were, like: ​“Are you alright? We’re not offended personally because we know you, but this is why [people are upset].” My biggest question is why I felt the need to f–king post that when I’m so f–king private anyway. I was having such a lovely day with my friends in Jamaica, and that’s the vibe of Notting Hill Carnival for me, always has been. But I didn’t give that any context either.

Existing in a slimmer body now: “I’m definitely really happy now. But it’s not because of my weight, it’s because of the dedication I gave to my brain with therapy and stuff like that, and a lot of crying. Maybe that’s a saying I made up: I used to cry but now I sweat. It really did save me… I’m more agile because I can now move more, because of my back. I got my core strong. I slipped my first disc when I was 15 from sneezing. I was in bed and I sneezed and my fifth one flew out. In January, I slipped my sixth one, my L6. And then where I had a C‑section, my core was useless. I’ve been in pain with my back for, like, half of my life, really. It flares up, normally due to stress or from a stupid bit of posture. But where I got my tummy strong, down at the bottom, which I never had before, my back don’t play up as much. It means I can do more, I can run around with my kid a little bit more.

She bought a new wardrobe: “I had to buy a whole new wardrobe, which was fun. I used to love a smock. I can’t wear them no more, they make me look a bit weird. I had to get rid of a lot of clothes that I had great memories in. There were elements like that. I don’t know if I feel different. I still have things about my body that I don’t like… There’s so much jewellery I can’t wear [now] because of my hands. No one tells you that, when someone loses weight. Not that I was trying to lose weight. But my rings don’t fit me anymore. Things that were gifts for my 21st birthday, I can’t f–king wear.

The reaction to her weight loss: “I think that when anyone is in a bigger body, that body is politicised by other people even if you haven’t chosen to be a spokesperson for that. When you’re bigger, there’s almost like a ​“defiance” that you’ve even stepped out. A friend said that to me, she was like: ​“You’re amazing, as big as you are, standing up there.” I was like: what the f–k is that? I’m as confident and mouthy now as I was then! That’s personality. Your body doesn’t give you a f–king personality, man, shut up. That’s wild! I don’t think your body gives you a personality.

[From The Face]

She’s absolutely, 100% right that “when anyone is in a bigger body, that body is politicised by other people even if you haven’t chosen to be a spokesperson for that.” Some larger women consciously politicize themselves and their bodies, but Adele doesn’t. She was just existing and thriving in the world as a constant stream of men and women judged her body, sniped at her body, and had conversations about her weight. And holy sh-t, I did not know her back was that bad! She’s been slipping discs since she was a teenager. It must feel amazing for her to be so strong and capable now.

Cover & IG courtesy of The Face.
