Ben Eunson Releases his Single, "Growing Pains"

Melbourne born/NYC-based guitarist Ben Eunson released his single, “Growing Pains,” ahead of his debut album, ACE.

“Growing Pains” is completely instrumental and captivating from the first chord.

Eunson has been playing guitar since he was 10 years old. He has recorded with a wide range of artists including Queen Latifah, John Legend, Dave Chappelle, and more. He has performed throughout the world. His debut EP, Autumn, was released in 2015.

ACE, out August 16th, will be the debut solo album for Eunson and will feature musicians Alexander Claffy and Kush Abadey.

If you want to know what Eunson releases next be sure to follow him on social media. 

What do you think of “Growing Pains?” Let us know on Twitter at @CelebMix. 
