Video from inside Octomoms house

Radar Online is really keeping it coming with the Octomom videos. Over the past two days, they’ve posted videos of Nadya Suleman sitting down and arguing with her mother, Angela, Jerry Springer-style. They promise more to come so maybe they’re saving the smackdown for last.

Radar has a new video today that shows the inside of Suleman’s house set to dramatic music. They call it “shocking” and it does look messy and cluttered, with scribbles on the wall and a lot of stuff around, but it’s hard to tell if it’s unsafe. She could use some help organizing her kids’ toys and clothing but it’s not terrible or anything. I’m of the opinion that people shouldn’t impose their living standards on others, particularly if they have a lot of kids. We had neighbors with five kids and their house was similarly messy. If you’re not in a position of having to care for that many kids without help, don’t judge. I’ve seen much worse on those clutter cleanup shows and it can be hard to figure out how to organize everything and take the time to do it when you’re overwhelmed like that. The real issue is that they don’t have enough space for even six children in that three bedroom one bath home that already in foreclosure.

According to Radar, the hospital is doing an at-home inspection to make sure the house is baby and child proof before the octuplets are sent home. Suleman is said to fear that the hospital won’t release the babies to her, but it just sounds like they’re doing due diligence to make sure they’re covering their bases for this high profile case. They’re recommending that the octuplets sleep in four cribs so that they can sleep two to a crib like twins.

The three largest Suleman octuplets will be going home in about 10 days, but has learned that will only happen after the hospital has inspected the home to make sure it’s been childproofed.

The hospital wants improvements to be made in the home like covering electric sockets and installing smoke detectors.

Part of the living room will be blocked off to turn it into a children’s playroom.

Although the family has been looking at eight-bedroom, four bathroom houses in the Whittier area, the hospital says there’s no reason all eight babies can’t go to the existing house, if it’s not foreclosed on them.

Instead of eight cribs, there will be only four. Child experts have told the family that it helps child bonding if the babies are treated like sets of twins and two of them share a crib for the first six months.

The family will begin interviewing nannies next week.

[From RadarOnline]

In the video, Suleman says she has been offered help from the mothers at her children’s school and that she’ll have a pool of 40-50 volunteers to help with the babies. At first she tells her mother that she’ll get help with the babies for about a year, then she changes it to 6-9 months as if she’s trying to make it seem like she really doesn’t need the support.

After watching this video, I’m starting to slightly warm up to this woman. She’s definitely not sane and she needs a dose of reality, but her kids are cute and you can tell she loves them in her narcissistic way. Her mother is a piece of work, too, and she had to get her warped sense of entitlement from somewhere.

Commenter Len said something that really sums up Octomom’s PR problems for me “if [she] would have just kept her mouth shut from the get go, she would have been offered tons of support, free diapers, the minivan, the works. People are willing to help, people are not willing to be played. She over-shared and she overplayed her hand.”

This family is getting paid tens of thousands for photo licensing and for arguing in these taped segments. They’ll get by if their mother doesn’t squander it all away.

So now we get to see the inside of her home and see her argue with her mother. Suleman said she didn’t want to “exploit” her children with a reality show, but she’s certainly exploiting her relationship with her mom in these videos and opening herself up to criticism by showing how they live. It’s better than doing adult films.
