Nobara Kugisaki is one of the main characters of the popular manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK). She is a first-year student at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, and a member of the same class as Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro. She is a confident, outspoken, and fearless sorceress, who specializes in using nails and a hammer as her weapons. Her cursed technique is Resonance, which allows her to inflict damage on her targets through severed body parts or objects that have touched them. She is also a fashion lover and a loyal friend
Nobara’s fate is one of the biggest mysteries in JJK, as she was last seen fighting the powerful curse Mahito during the Shibuya Incident arc. Mahito is a special grade curse, who can manipulate the shape of souls and bodies with his cursed technique, Idle Transfiguration. He can also create clones of himself, which he used to ambush Nobara and Yuji in the subway. Nobara managed to injure Mahito with her Resonance, but he switched places with his clone and caught her off guard. He touched her face and activated his Idle Transfiguration, causing her left eye to burst and her head to explode. Yuji, who witnessed the horrific scene, was unable to save her, as he had not mastered the Reverse Cursed Technique yet
The answer to this question is not clear, as the manga has not confirmed Nobara’s status yet. After Mahito’s attack, Nobara was treated by Arata Nitta, a sorcerer who can heal wounds by freezing them. He stated that her chances of survival were not zero, but very low. Later, when Yuji asked Megumi about Nobara’s condition, Megumi did not answer, but his silence implied that she was dead. Yuji was devastated by this, as he blamed himself for not being able to protect her. However, some fans still hope that Nobara is alive, as there are some clues that suggest that she may return
There are several reasons why Nobara may still be alive, or at least have a chance to come back. Here are some of them:
Nobara Kugisaki is a beloved character in JJK, and her apparent death has been a source of grief and controversy for the fans. She was seemingly killed by Mahito, who used his Idle Transfiguration to blow up her head. However, her status has not been confirmed yet, and there are some hints that she may still be alive, or have a chance to return. Nobara is a fierce, loyal, and stylish sorceress, who has a unique cursed technique and a potential role as a Miko. She is one of the main protagonists of JJK, and her fate is still unknown. Fans can only wait and hope that she will come back, and join her friends in their fight against the curses