The lovechild of iconic musicals High School Musical and Camp Rock is finally here!
A Week Away follows a troubled teen named Will Hawkins, played by Bunk’d’s Kevin Quinn, who is faced with making the choice of heading to juvenile detention or a Christian summer camp. At camp, Will makes new friends, including his love interest, Avery, played by Bailee Madison. Will also discovers that the healing powers of kindness, forgiveness, and faith can be discovered in the most unlikely places.
While at camp, Will meets his new friends George, a socially awkward, 80’s music and movies lover played by Jahbril Cook, and Presley, a super-sweet and quirky yet shy girl who is equally as awkward as George played by Kat Conner Sterling!
“[George] has a lot in common with Presley,” Cook mentions, “He’s very socially awkward, but only selectively, and I think that’s relatable. Around your friends, you’re open and you’re happy, you’re not overthinking anything. But as soon as he [George] sees Presley, his crush, he can’t hang.”
Since A Week Away was filmed on location at an actual summer camp, the cast was able to bond together as if they were actually attending summer camp! Cook recalls what it was like working on the campsite with Quinn.
“[Quinn] was always the highest energy on set,” Cook reveals, “And a lot of the times I couldn’t relate [since] it was my first feature. Getting to feed off his energy all the time helped make my job so much easier.”
While Sterling and Madison played best friends in the film, the pair grew closer while on set together and eventually became close friends off screen too!
“[Getting close with Bailee] made it a fun camp experience,” Sterling says, “You got your best camp friend there with you. It couldn’t be better really.”
Celeb Secrets (virtually) sits down with Cook and Sterling to talk more about A Week Away, from their favorite song and memories to exclusive behind the scenes secrets from the set of the film!
Check out the full interview with Cook and Sterling down below and let us know what you thought about A Week Away by leaving a reaction down below or tweet us @celebsecrets!